Preparation for a Procedure
Be mentally prepared for the procedure:
Please ensure you understand the procedure, the potential risks and benefits and any alternative management strategies other than your undergoing the procedure. Should you have any remaining doubts please discuss these with your specialist, GP, family and friends.

Physical Preparation:
- Fast (nothing to eat or drink) for at least 6 hours prior to the procedure
- You may take essential medication with a sip of water
- Should you be taking anti-coagulants or anti-platelet agents, please seek advice as to how long these will need to be stopped prior to the procedure
- Diabetics will require special advice about medication and fasting
- Patients with murmurs, artificial valves or implanted medical devices (e.g. pacemaker) may need to take antibiotics – check with the Doctor!
Special Considerations:
- You will need to be driven home and preferably have someone stay overnight after a day procedure
- Sedative will affect memory/judgement – it is unsafe to drive or travel alone on public transport
- Driving within 12 hrs provides no legal protection (insurance would be invalid)
- Inform Dr if the above cannot be arranged and you can be admitted to hospital
- DO NOT operate heavy machinery (incl. driving a car) or sign legal documents, carry out demanding tasks or drink alcohol until following day.
It may be a few days before specimens can be checked in the lab, so Dr will be unable to give an accurate diagnosis on day of procedure
Occasionally you may experience flu-like symptoms, sore throat or cough-up small amounts of blood post-procedure – this should resolve spontaneously after 1 day. Take Panadol / Paracetamol to relieve fever or sore throat – it is normal to feel tired – therefore rest
Contact your consultant if experiencing symptoms, causing concern, i.e. increasing pain, coughing-up large amounts of blood (approx. 1/2 cup), difficulty swallowing, breathlessness, voice hoarseness, dizziness or fainting, fever, swelling, pain or redness at the injection site
Phone (08) 7077 3040, all hours, with any concerns or advice following a procedure.
Should your consultant be unavailable please contact local Dr or local Emergency Department.