Important Information Regarding Covid-19
Please read through this information prior to attending our clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Prepare everything in advance – do not rushPrepare everything in advance – do not rush
- Please use the toilet and wash your hands before leaving home• Only 4 people allowed in the waiting room therefore a maximum of 1 support person per patient please
- Please arrive on time rather than early for you appointment to avoid excessive time spent in the waiting room
- An option is to wait in your car, letting ChestCare’s receptionist know when you arrive, who will then contact you when the lung function technician or doctor is available
- Telehealth (e.g. Facetime or Skype) and telephone consultations are available for those at higher risk or for those who live outside the metro area
- Please try not to use ChestCare’s bathroom, where virus transmission is possible and cleaning between each use cannot be performed by ChestCare staff. Should you use the bathroom, at your own risk, ensure it it thoroughly cleaned before and after use. This includes the seat, bowl, buttons, taps, door locks and handles
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